Kids on the Block Points for Puppets 2023 Draws are Now Released
The 2023 CKTS season continues this weekend (June 17-18) in Bowling Green, Kentucky with the annual Kids on the Block Points for Puppets Tournament. This will be the first of two annual stops in Bowling Green, where nearly 170 players will be competing this weekend!
The tournament is sponsored by Parker Lord and Foundation Solutions Group. Matches will be held at Buchanon Park and nearby South Warren High School under the direction of SWHS Tennis Coach Chad Young. This tournament is a benefit for Kentucky Kids on the Block, an organization that provides ongoing education and prevention through puppetry for children and the community at large. Please visit their website for more information as well as a calendar of their events.
The draws for 2023 Kids on the Block Points for Puppets Tournament are now published with a link to the draws here on our website. Players will report directly to their play site listed on the draws.
PLEASE NOTE that some Sunday matches are NOT YET scheduled, pending the results of previous rounds in an effort to make Sunday scheduling more efficient.
Please also note that if you did not complete the online pre-payment process before the entry deadline, your registration may have been discarded.
If you purchased a CKTS membership or TourPass, please request your CKTS t-shirt this weekend from the tournament desk (you’ll also get a Kids on the Block Points for Puppets Tournament tee while supplies last). As always, CKTS memberships and TourPasses can be purchased online at any time 24/7.
We look forward to a great time of tennis this weekend in Bowling Green, as well as an incredible 2023 season of the CKTS!