Gator Open 2023 Draws are Now Released
The 2023 CKTS season continues this weekend (August 19-20) with a return trip to Bowling Green, Kentucky for the 3rd-annual Gator Open. This is the sixth stop on the 2023 Central Kentucky Tennis Series (CKTS) Tour after a record-sized tournament in Somerset three weeks ago. We are excited to have nearly 140 players joining us this weekend, making it record numbers once again!.
The draws for the 2023 Gator Open are now published with links to the draws here on our website. All matches will be held at Greenwood High School courts. Tournament Director Tim Dethridge (Coach of the Greenwood Gator Tennis Teams) has a great lineup of matches ready to roll. Players will report directly to their play site listed on the draws. ALL TIMES LISTED ARE CENTRAL (aka “Slow Time”).
Please continue to check draws periodically for possible changes and corrections to pairings and times.
Players should check-in at their play site listed on the draws at least 20 minutes early. [AGAIN, ALL TIMES ARE CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME.] There are some water coolers provided, but you should also bring your preferred drinks to stay hydrated. Weather updates will come from @cktstour on Twitter and Facebook.
PLEASE NOTE that some Sunday matches may NOT YET be scheduled, pending the results of previous rounds in an effort to make Sunday scheduling more efficient.
ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE: All draws are SINGLE ELIMINATION despite some labels that may indicate otherwise .
Please also note that if you did not complete the online pre-payment process before the entry deadline, your registration may have been discarded.
We look forward to a great time of tennis this weekend in Bowling Green, as well as an incredible 2023 season of the CKTS!