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CKTS - Central Kentucky Tennis Series

GSMKY 039: We’re Kind of in a Hurry

Recorded many days ago, but finally edited for video release…
On this episode, Chris and Chad go over what’s been happening over the last few weeks, including the Summer Flights, the Wimbledon grass, and the results of the State Farm Etown Open…
The new studio is still unfinished. We bet everyone is shocked…
The Point Standings are still unfinished.  Now we be you’re REALLY shocked…
Challenge the Call–Why do you have deadlines on Tuesday night? Isn’t that a little early?? (spoiler alert:  no, it’s not too early)
The Danville Open and the Alton Blakley Lake Cumberland Open are coming up!
We are a little light this week on announcements for SOKY and USTA…
All of this on yet another sensational edition of Game Set Match Kentucky….

Audio-only version is below:

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