Bad Weather Forecast Postpones Columbia Tournament
As we announced Friday night on social media, the Baughman Tennis Classic has been rescheduled for next weekend, September 15-16. At the time the decision was made, the forecast for rain and storms on Saturday and Sunday led us to believe that we would hardly be able to play any matches at all (Lindsey Wilson College even moved up the kickoff of their home football game due to the forecast).
The difficult decision was therefore made to postpone the tournament by one week in hopes that the weather for September 15-16 would be much better. This situation, although rare, is never an easy decision on the part of tournament directors and CKTS officials. We take into account a detailed look at weather forecasts (which we do realize can change, yet decisions have to be made at some point) and attempt to make a decision that is best for the majority of the players and spectators involved.
Since the same exact set of players is unlikely to be involved on the new weekend (some current players will drop out, some previously unavailable players will want in, some doubles partners can play but some can’t, etc.), in a case like this we must RE-OPEN THE ENTRIES and ask that all players re-register. Those who were unavailable for the original Columbia weekend are more than welcome to enter for the rescheduled date. Entries are now re-opened with a deadline of Tuesday 9/11 at 6:00PM CDT.
Please note too that the DRAWS WILL BE RE-MADE in many cases due to the fact that the rescheduled events will not necessarily contain a carbon copy of the original entrants. Thus we also have the opportunity to address any flaws with the draws/schedules that needed attention. The new draws–with all re-entered participants and hopefully some new participants–will be re-posted by 9:00PM on Thursday 9/13.
While we realize that this situation will cause an inconvenience to some players and families, we do greatly appreciate the understanding and patience that most of you will display in these circumstances.