Rainy Forecast Postpones Somerset Tournament Until Next Weekend
We regret to announce that, due to the weather forecast of rain tonight and off-and-on throughout Saturday and Saturday night, we have made the difficult decision to postpone this weekend’s Alton Blakley Lake Cumberland Open until next weekend August 8-9 (with option for play on Friday the 7th).
PLEASE REACH OUT TO CHRIS GODBY (Tournament Director) by text, email, or phone as soon as possible to give him your intention to stay in the tournament or withdraw. Tournament draws may remain similar to original plans, but there may be some realignment and rescheduling of times as current players may be unavailable and new players do become available. If you were unable to play originally, but would like to play on the makeup weekend, please contact Chris to see if you can be put on the list.
On Monday 8/3, Chris and other tournament staff members will begin reaching out to players who have not already contacted Chris with their intentions to play or cancellations. We plan to have updated draws and schedules available online on Thursday 8/6 by early evening. We will handle PayPal refunds for entry fees as needed for those who must cancel. Please be patient as it may be later in the week before all of that is settled. Email lakecumberlandtennis@gmail.com regarding payments and refunds.
Tournament staff evaluated various weather models and scenarios in arriving at this decision, and came to the agreement that based on the forecast, completing the tournament this weekend would be too difficult to accomplish.
We had a record number of players registered for this tournament, and we hope that most will be able to rejoin us next week. This is also a REMINDER that registration will open on Monday August 3 for the Bowling Green Open (August 15-16), with a deadline of Tuesday August 11 at 6:00 PM CDT.